diary of a she-beast
i am the anti-christ. no, wait. just tired.

Guy, if you can�t wait until you get to a more appropriate place to consume your porn . . .

Friday February 23, 2007 @ 8:05 p.m. ::

. . . it may be a sign that you have a problem.

Music: Chris Rock�s Porno PSA
Mood: geeky

It would appear that � if you�re a Telus subscriber � you�re no longer allowed to download porn onto your cellular phone.

So let me get this straight. People were downloading porn. Onto their cell phones. Onto those itty bitty screens.*

Dude, if you need to consume your porn while on the run, invest in a video iPod for fuck�s sakes.

* Which may or may not have shit resolution � I�m too lazy to check the specs on every single phone that may be out there. (Insert joke about straining your eyes because of the screen size and the old wives� tale about going blind from masturbating too much here.)