diary of a she-beast
i am the anti-christ. no, wait. just tired.

Will Someone Remove This Asshat from the Human Race?

Wednesday February 14, 2007 @ 6:52 p.m. ::

Will Someone Remove This Asshat from the Human Race?

Music: ambient off of di.fm
Mood: incredulous

You�ve got to be fucking kidding me.

You, sir, are what is wrong with the human race. Please remove yourself from it immediately.

Don�t get me wrong, people can have their own beliefs about abortion as to whether their pro-choice, anti-choice, or straddling the choice fence. I only get pissed off when self-righteous wanker cunts like this motherfucker try to push their anti-choice beliefs onto women using scare tactics, faulty science, and their �won�t someone think of the children?� asshattery.

Repeat with me now, folks. It is the woman�s choice as to whether or not she aborts.

Because of this I believe that all women should have access to a safe and legal abortion. (Trust me, folks, she�s not going to get out, get pregnant, and have an abortion just because the abortion clinic is there. No, really. She has better things to do.)*

It�s up to the individual woman whether or not she chooses to have an abortion. Oh, and no waiting periods. No parental notification. No mandatory anti-choice brainwashing seminar. Honestly, these anti-choice people are nitwits. Do they honestly think that women are so fucking infantile and flippant that they can�t make a choice about their own bodies and should therefore be forced into being an incubator for a baby she doesn�t want?

And, they shouldn�t have to fucking well register if they have one! (Which is what it�ll amount to as it will track who gets abortions.)

Please tell me who the fuck died and made this asshole moral master of the universe? What right does he have sticking his nose where it doesn't fucking belong?

Fuck you, cuntmaster 8000.

* It�s like those abstinence-only (yeah, that works well) fucktards who think that if you talk to kids about sex, condoms, and birth control then the kids are all going to go out and have sex with the first person they see. Yes, some teenagers are dumb. Others aren�t. Don�t punish the smart for something the stupid might do because someone gave them a condom.